Speaking practice PART2

">It is Speaking practice part2!!! "> This time, as I mentioned last time, I am going to tell a point when we translate from Japanese to English in our brain. In Japanese, there are lots of distinctive phrases that other languages usually …

Speaking practice PART1

Hi! This time I am going to introduce one way about speaking practice!! OK, so the way iiiiiis, talking to myself in English!! lol FYI, and this time is part1. Some of you guys might have heard about this practice. In this practice, we are…


Hi! This is my second post on this blog, aaaand guess what,,, Today is my birthday!!!!!! Since it is my birthday today, I was going to write about Canadian style birthday, but as far as I know, I have never heard of that.lol So I will writ…


はじめまして!ドラゴンです。 このブログでは、英語に関する話題を中心にいろいろ発信していきます! また、日本語と英語両方で文章を作成していくので、リーディングの練習がてら英語の文章も読んでみてください!! では、第1回目の投稿ということもあっ…